Supporting Cities for 
Everyone,   by  Everyone

A black rectangle with a white border on a white background.

Upcoming Events

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Founded in the Spirit of Jane Jacobs

A black and white photo of a large building with a lot of windows

About the Center

The Center for the Living City, inspired by Jane Jacobs, is dedicated to fostering civic engagement in Scranton. We connect local citizens with opportunities to shape their city through collaborative programs, inspired by Jacobs' principles of people-centered cities.

The Legacy of

Jane Jacobs

Jane Jacobs was an urbanist and activist whose writings championed a fresh, community-based approach to city building. She had no formal training as a planner, yet her 1961 treatise, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, introduced ground-breaking ideas about how cities function, evolve, and fail. The impact of Jane Jacobs's observation, activism, and writing is felt worldwide and, as a co-founder of The Center For The Living City, within all our programming. 

May 4, 1916 - April 25, 2006

"Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody."

Jane Jacobs

A pair of commas on a white background.
A woman wearing glasses is standing in front of a house.

Our Programs

Empowering Cities through Action

Build Inclusive Cities With Us

Support Us

Your support enables us to continue our work of empowering communities to create vibrant, inclusive, and adaptive cities. Join us in supporting this mission.