Norman Mintz

Norman Mintz has played a leading role in the field of downtown revitalization for over thirty-five years and is considered one of the pioneers of the Main Street movement. He is noted as downtownʼs first Main Street manager, a role now followed in thousands of commercial districts around the country. He is the head of his own consulting firm and specializes in working with villages and cities of every size on all matters of urban design, retail and promotion in order to make them more popular as activity and shopping destinations.

Norman is a frequent lecturer and currently teaches a neighborhood commercial revitalization class at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. He is the recipient of the Meritorious Service Award for Urban Design Implementation awarded by the American Planning Association, New York Chapter. He collaborated with other authors in the book Cities Back From The Edge: New Life For Downtown, published by John Wiley & Sons. The book has been reviewed as a “must read” and chronicles stories of how communities across America have revitalized their commercial centers using modest and innovative approaches to achieve successful and lasting results.

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